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Supplemental Agreement Between Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn Bhd, WCT Berhad, WCT Land Sdn Bhd And Segi Astana Sdn Bhd In Relation To Concession Agreement, Sub-lease Annexure And Shareholders Agreement

BackMay 28, 2024


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Description MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS BERHAD ("MAHB" OR "THE COMPANY") - Supplemental Agreement between Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn Bhd, WCT Berhad, WCT Land Sdn Bhd and Segi Astana Sdn Bhd in relation to Concession Agreement, Sub-Lease Annexure and Shareholders Agreement


The Board of Directors of the Company ("Board") wishes to announce that MAHB and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Malaysia Airports (Sepang) Sdn Bhd ("MA Sepang") have on 28 May 2024 entered into a supplemental agreement with WCT Berhad ("WCTB"), WCT Land Sdn Bhd ("WCTL") and Segi Astana Sdn Bhd ("SASB") ("Supplemental Agreement") for purposes of varying the terms and conditions of the following principal agreements in conjunction with MAHB's agreement on the proposed extension of the concession period of gateway@klia2 in favour of SASB for a further period of twenty-two (22) years ("Second Extension") subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated therein:-

  1. The Principal Concession Agreement entered into between MAHB, WCTB and SASB;
  2. The Principal Sub-Lease Annexure entered into between MA Sepang and SASB; and
  3. The Principal Shareholders Agreement entered into between WCTL, MAHB and SASB.


Please refer to the attachment for details of the announcement.


This announcement is dated 28 May 2024.


Please refer attachment below.


Announcement Info

Stock Name AIRPORT
Date Announced 28 May 2024
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-28052024-00039


  1. MAHB_-_Supplemental_Agreement_Gateway_KLIA2_20240528.pdf (Size: 119,400 bytes)