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General Meetings: Outcome Of Meeting

BackJun 02, 2022
Type of Meeting General
Indicator Outcome of Meeting
Date of Meeting 02 Jun 2022
Time 11:00 AM




Fully virtual basis through live streaming and
using remote participation and electronic voting facilities
hosted on the Securities Services e-Portal ("e-Portal")
at provided by SS E Solutions Sdn Bhd in


Outcome of Meeting


Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad ("MAHB") wishes to announce that all resolutions as set out in the Notice of 23rd Annual General Meeting ("AGM") dated 28 April 2022, have been approved by the shareholders at the 23rd AGM held today.

All the resolutions were voted by poll and the results of the poll were validated by Commercial Quest Sdn Bhd, the independent scrutineers appointed by the Company.

Please refer to the attachment for the poll results. 

This announcement is dated 2 June 2022.

Voting Results

1. Ordinary Resolution 1

Description To approve the payment of Directors' fees and benefits of an amount up to RM4,500,000.00, to the Non-Executive Directors ("NEDs") of the Group with effect from 3 June 2022 until the next AGM in 2023.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 752 206
No. of Shares 1,322,249,522 33,304,556
% of Voted Shares 97.5431 2.4569
Result Accepted

2. Ordinary Resolution 2

Description To re-elect Dato' Iskandar Mizal Mahmood who retires in accordance with Rule 132 of the Constitution of the Company, and being eligible, offers himself for re-election.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 838 120
No. of Shares 1,351,628,293 3,966,855
% of Voted Shares 99.7074 0.2926
Result Accepted

3. Ordinary Resolution 3

Description To re-elect Rohaya Mohammad Yusof who retires in accordance with Rule 132 of the Constitution of the Company, and being eligible, offers herself for re-election.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 774 187
No. of Shares 1,329,265,931 26,330,120
% of Voted Shares 98.0577 1.9423
Result Accepted

4. Ordinary Resolution 4

Description To re-elect Wong Shu Hsien who retires in accordance with Rule 134 of the Constitution of the Company, and being eligible, offers herself for re-election.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 651 311
No. of Shares 1,245,261,292 110,328,760
% of Voted Shares 91.8612 8.1388
Result Accepted

5. Ordinary Resolution 5

Description To re-appoint Ernst & Young PLT ("EY") as Auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and to authorise the Directors to fix their remuneration.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 856 103
No. of Shares 1,351,137,452 4,452,600
% of Voted Shares 99.6715 0.3285
Result Accepted

6. Ordinary Resolution 6

Description Proposed renewal of the authority to allot and issue new ordinary shares in MAHB ("MAHB Shares") for the purpose of the Company's Dividend Reinvestment Plan ("DRP") that provides the Shareholders of MAHB ("Shareholders") the option to elect to reinvest their cash dividend in MAHB Shares.
Shareholder’s Action For Voting
Voted For Against
No. of Shareholders 841 118
No. of Shares 1,351,849,604 3,745,575
% of Voted Shares 99.7237 0.2763
Result Accepted


Please refer attachment below.

Announcement Info

Stock Name AIRPORT
Date Announced 02 Jun 2022
Category General Meeting
Reference Number GMA-01062022-00001
Corporate Action ID MY220601MEET0001


  1. 23rd_MAHB_AGM_Outcome_of_Meeting.pdf (Size: 608,503 bytes)