Our Value Creation Strategy Our Performance Our Governance Additional Information 79 Several factors make key stakeholder engagement an integral part of our business and embedded in the way we operate. First, the aviation industry is highly regulated on both domestic and international fronts. Secondly, we are listed on Bursa Malaysia and our shareholders cover a wide range of institutional investors such as Government-Linked investment companies, investment funds, pension funds as well as retail investors, both domestic and overseas, and the Group is covered by a wide range of investment analysts. The Group also maintains close contact with its bond holders and bankers. Thirdly, our business requires discussion, coordination and collaboration with many parties within the airport ecosystem to ensure that complex processes are executed successfully, and with little margin for error. Also, as a large employer of choice, we constantly engage our employees to understand their concerns. We also engage with the community around our airports to understand the impact of our business on them and to assist those in need. Therefore, through regular and close engagement with our key stakeholders, we are able to understand their concerns and work closely with them for our business to succeed for the long term and for us to deliver long term value to stakeholders. As key stakeholder engagement this year is centred around the Group’s transition from recovery to growth, and our renewed focus on passenger experience, the table below focuses mainly on those concerns. Key Stakeholder Engagement Key Stakeholders Description Associations and Professional Bodies Organisations representing specific industries, professions or interests relating to aviation, travel and airport operations. These organisations play a crucial role in the aviation ecosystem by advocating for the interests of their members, promoting industry standards and best practices, and facilitating collaboration and networking within the sector. Media Various communications channels and entities that play a significant role in shaping public perception. Media stakeholders encompass a range of platforms such as newspapers, television networks, radio stations, online new outlets, social media platforms and travel-related publications. Local Community Residents, businesses and organisations located in the vicinity of the airport or those directly impacted by its operations. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT S10 S9 S11