MAHB | Annual Report 2023

Our Value Creation Strategy Our Performance Our Governance Additional Information 69 Economic Performance refers to the economic value generated and distributed by Malaysia Airports. As a public-listed entity, our primary responsibility is to create shared value for our stakeholders. Our economic performance is crucial to the existence of the business and the interests of our stakeholders which include healthy economic returns, continued employment and business opportunities. LINK TO STRATEGY AND KEY ENABLERS HIGHLIGHTS Economic value generated For the financial year ending 31 December 2023 (FY2023), economic value generated by Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad increased to RM5.4 billion compared to RM3.4 billion in the previous year. Most of the economic value generated were redistributed to our employees, capital providers and the Government. Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad retained an economic value of RM1.7 billion as a result of the distribution above, which had also increased by 65.1% from FY2022. ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE M3 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND TARGETS Economic Performance 2023 2022 2021 Change 2023 vs 2022 RM’ million % Economic Value Generated Revenue* 5,443.1 3,415.6 *1,883.1 59.4% Economic Value Distributed Operating costs (1,774.2) (1,231.8) (915.8) 44.0% Employee wages and benefits (953.5) (751.4) (675.7) 26.9% Payments to providers of capital (666.3) (193.6) (634.1) >100% Payments to Government (357.8) (214.4) **190.8 66.9% Economic Value Retained 1,691.4 1,024.4 (151.8) 65.1% **Community Investments 29.1 1.1 >100% * The Economic Value Generated includes revenue, other income and share of results of associates and joint ventures ** Total community investments refer to actual expenditures in the reporting period, not commitments. This includes voluntary donations plus investment of funds in the broader community where the target beneficiaries are external to the organisation. CAPITALS AFFECTED AND TRADE-OFFS: LINK TO UN SDGS MATERIAL MATTERS F F I H S STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED S1 S2 S4 S6 S7 • Rejuvenating Commercial and Retail • Accelerating Off-Terminal Business • Strengthening International Business • Penang International Airport (PEN) Terminal Expansion Project