Our Investment case Our Leadership Statement ANNUAL REPORT 2023 68 MATERIAL MATTERS HIGHLIGHTS AIRPORT SAFETY AND SECURITY M2 KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS AND TARGETS Runway inspections and surveillance On-site inspections were conducted regularly by the Runway Safety Teams to ensure compliance with runway safety Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs). In addition, Malaysia Airports continues to deploy the Foreign Object Debris Detection System (FODDS) following the installation of high precision FODDS radars at KUL in 2023. This enhances the accuracy and efficiency of runway safety surveillance as the smallest FOD items such as rice grains, pebbles and wildlife can be swiftly detected. Wildlife strikes Existing mitigation measures to reduce bird strikes continued to be practised to ensure the incidence rate remained within acceptable level of safety performance. Key Performance Indicators 2023 2022 2021 Number of Aerodrome Emergency Exercises conducted 74 72 21 Percentage of targeted safety exercises completed (%) 100 100 100 Number of Safety Management System Certified Airports 18 16 16