Our Value Creation Strategy Our Performance Our Governance Additional Information 131 Carbon Emissions Energy Water Waste Air Quality Noise Wildlife Land and Water Contamination In FY2023, Malaysia Airports launched its Environmental Masterplan 2.0 which sets out the Group’s environmental policies, targets and roadmaps from 2023 until 2030. This initiative is in line with the Twelfth Malaysian Plan and marks Malaysia Airports’ firm commitment toward a lower carbon future. The Environmental Masterplan 2.0 covers the eight key environmental aspects which are most relevant to the Group’s business activities, and to which the Group has the greatest potential to bring positive impact, namely: We launched our Environmental Masterplan 2.0 Carbon Emissions Air Quality Water Wildlife Energy Noise Waste Land and Water Contamination To streamline initiatives, reporting and engagement with relevant stakeholders, an Environment Task Force has been activated to cover each of the eight areas of the Environmental Masterplan 2.0. Environmental Masterplan 2.0 SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW OUR APPROACH AND PROGRESS IN 2023