OUR VA LUE CREAT I ON S TRAT EGY www.malaysiaairports.com.my 61 OUR STRATEGY DRIVING AERONAUTICAL RECOVERY KEY ACTIVITIES TO CREATE VALUE IN 2022 SHORT TO MEDIUM TERM FOCUS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Malaysia Airports focuses to catalyse traffic recovery and enhance network connectivity through strategic collaboration with airlines and other stakeholders. Catalyse traffic recovery and enhance network connectivity • Extended the Network Reconnecting Programme to facilitate, assist and encourage airlines to resume their services to and from Malaysia. • Established partnerships with strategic airlines to accelerate their operational plans and improve connectivity. • Collaborated with Batik Air Malaysia and Firefly to facilitate recovery of operations, hub capacity building as well as establishing local hubs at PEN and BKI to support their route network development. • Secured commencement of new foreign-based carriers operating into KUL namely Kuwait Airways, Spring Airlines and Lanmei Airlines. • Focused marketing efforts to attract airlines from key markets namely ASEAN, India, the Middle East, Europe and North Asia while China’s borders remain closed throughout the year. 1) Collaborate with strategic airline partners to develop and strengthen connectivity into KUL. 2) Attract new airlines and expand operations of existing airlines by establishing a new incentive programme that is customised for different airports. 3) Strengthen Western connectivity and strengthen KUL’s hub position through strategic partnerships with identified airlines. 4) Capitalise on seasonal travel demand opportunities to pursue charter services and increase inbound tourism traffic. 5) Establish a national level committee with key stakeholders to strengthen Malaysia as a leading aviation hub and tourism destination as well as to expand connectivity to key markets. 6) Collaborate with key industry stakeholders such as Tourism Malaysia, State Tourism Organisations, hotels and airlines to promote travel and tourism into Malaysia. STRATEGIC KEY FOCUS AREAS 1) Catalyse traffic recovery and enhance network connectivity. CAPITALS AFFECTED LINK TO MATERIAL MATTERS F M S M5 M7 M8 M9 FY2022 FY2021 Passenger Movements (million) MY 52.7 10.7 Commercial Aircraft Movements MY 549,473 235,351