MAHB | Annual Report 2022

OUR VA LUE CREAT I ON S TRAT EGY 55 VALUE CREATION MODEL Within the airport ecosystem, there are many stakeholders whose roles and responsibilities are often inter-connected and co-dependent. Malaysia Airports as the airport operator is responsible for the operational safety and security, management and maintenance of the airport. Airport services and facilities are divided into two main sections known as the landside (which encompasses all public areas on airport land such as the terminal and carpark) and the airside (aprons, runways and taxiways). Together the landside and airside cover the passengers’ journey from arrival at the airport and all the way until they board the aircraft. Malaysia Airports works with the Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) to ensure the safety and security of airport operations, particularly at the airside through regulations, oversight and monitoring of the technical and safety standards. The Air Traffic Control under CAAM coordinates aircraft navigation and is responsible for the safe movement of aircraft, including take-offs, landings and taxiing. Malaysia Airports collaborates with government agencies such as the Immigration Department of Malaysia and Royal Malaysian Customs Department as well as private entities such as airlines and ground handlers at key areas and touchpoints such as check-in, immigration, customs checks, and baggage and ground handling. Malaysia Airports together with business partners operate a wide of range of retail and food and beverage outlets at the airports. In addition, Malaysia Airports also works with transportation providers to provide convenient access for passengers to arrive at the airport by car, taxi, bus and train. OUR POSITION IN THE AIRPORT VALUE CHAIN At Malaysia Airports, our vision is to be "A Global Airport Group that Champions Connectivity and Sustainability". We seek to create value for our key stakeholders in a positive and sustainable way. In our value creation model, we take inputs from F Financial M Manufactured I Intellectual H Human S Social N Natural OUR SIX CAPITALS We transform them through business activities and interactions to produce outputs and outcomes that over time have the potential to create value for our business and key stakeholders. The operating environment, risks and opportunities as well as feedback from stakeholder engagements are taken into consideration in developing our strategies and action plans towards achieving overall long-term goals, objectives and value creation. Sustainability is embedded in our business as guided by our Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Framework, which are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).