MAHB | Annual Report 2022

OUR PERFORMANCE 105 Lost Time Injury Frequency (LTIF) rate 0.18 Reduction of Energy Consumption Intensity (kWh/Passengers) 75.4% Rain Water Harvested at KLIA Terminal 2 39,594 m3 Air Quality at KLIA Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 API - Good (0-50) Reduction of Oil Spillage Cases at KUL & MASB 106 cases Solar Generation - KUL 14,172,162 kWh Recycling Rate at KLIA Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 4.4% Solar Generation - MASB 4,950,174 kWh Wildlife Strikes 155 cases Noise at KLIA Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 Within noise limit (55-75 dba) Reduction of Water Consumption Intensity (litre/Passengers) 75.9% Zero breaches to the Procurement Code of Ethics 85% OACP action plan completion 100% completion on Sustainability training programme for all employees 54.5% female representation on the Board Directors 100% operations effectively assessed and managed for corruption risks Average total hours of training per employee 35 hours Total community investment RM1.1 million Learning and Development Investment RM2.3 million Fatalities 0 cases Total procurement from local suppliers RM 616.8 million Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 84% Women in senior management role 22.5% SUSTAINABILITY REVIEW