MAHB | Annual Report 2021

VALUE CREATION MODEL Our value creation model is disclosed on pages 20 to 75. It outlines our focus on value creation which is driven by championing connectivity as a global airport group and sustainability of airport communities that we serve. The strategies for mobilisation of our six capitals to create value for stakeholders and the outcomes of the value creation initiatives are also included. MATERIALITY The content of our integrated report is dependent on the principle of materiality, namely we include matters that substantially affect the Group’s ability to create and sustain value over the short, medium and long-term. These matters are identified, prioritised and validated through a materiality assessment process that is described in this report which includes engagement of key stakeholders to seek their input. Our strategic responses to these material matters are presented in pages 56 to 67. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENT This report contains forward looking statements, for example, Malaysia Airports’ future direction, strategies, and potential opportunities for growth. These statements are based on various assumptions and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and contingencies, many of which are beyond the control of the Group. Unanticipated events and actual future events may differ materially from current expectations due to new business opportunities, changes in priorities by the Group and other factors. ASSURANCE Malaysia Airports obtained independent third-party assurance for the following information: Content Assurance Framework Annual Financial Statements Reasonable assurance • Companies Act 2016 • Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards • International Financial Reporting Standards Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control Limited assurance • Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad Listing Requirements Sustainability Report Limited assurance • GRI Standards for Sustainability Reporting – Core Option INFORMATION ON EXCLUSIONS Malaysia Airports’ disclosure appetite guides the limitation of information available in this report. Several requirements of the <IR> Framework have been excluded due to the unavailability of reliable information or specific legal prohibitions. NAVIGATION ICONS Six Capitals Human Financial Social Manufactured Natural Intellectual Airport Capacity Airport Safety and Security Total Airport Experience Economic Performance Transportation and Connectivity Digitalisation Integrity and Anti-Corruption Regulatory Compliance Material Matters Regulators and Government Tenants Airlines Investors Employees Vendors and Service Providers Passengers Local Community Media Key Stakeholders