44 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS BERHAD KEY ENABLERS SHORT TO MEDIUM TERM FOCUS 1) Focus on strategic procurement, planning and sourcing by establishing category management and centralised procurement process for cost optimisation and savings. 2) Embark on Robotic Process Automation for further enhancement of the procurement process. Malaysia Airports continues to strengthen the governance and procurement process through digitalisation and continuous process improvement. GOVERNANCE AND PROCESS STRATEGIC KEY FOCUS AREAS KEY ACTIVITIES TO CREATE VALUE IN FY2021 1) Strengthen procurement process through automation and digitalisation initiatives as part of the procurement transformation journey to drive value creation. Strengthen procurement process through automation and digitalisation initiatives as part of the procurement transformation journey to drive value creation 1) Continued leveraging on technology for procurement through eTender, eForm A, eBidding, Spend Analytics and Digital Interactive Group Procurement Manual to expedite the process and improve efficiency, quality and transparency. 2) Enhanced and empowered decision-making process as part of the procurement transformation.