158 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS BERHAD Malaysia Airports has always been supportive of MCCG 2021’s recommendation that Large Companies have at least 30% Women Directors. At present, the Board is represented by five (5) Women Directors out of the total eleven (11) Directors which made up 45.5% of the Board composition. A Board Diversity Policy has also been established since 2018. It provides that the Board will maintain minimum 30% Women Directors as its members at all times. The gender diversity philosophy is cascaded from the Board to the Senior Management throughout the Group. The Company will continue to take steps to promote diversity, including gender diversity, at operational as well as management level and strive to inculcate aworking environment which is free from discrimination. The policy on diversity in also implemented in recruitment and promotion processes. Whilst having regard to gender diversity, the Board also recognises that diversity should also be considered from other aspects such as cultural background, expertise, international and regional exposures, and industry expertise. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS DIRECTORS’ AGE RANGE IN 2021 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 40-49 50-59 60-69 BOARD MEMBERS’ INDUSTRY AND BACKGROUND EXPERIENCE Management/Business Airport/Aviation New Technologies/ Digitalisation Human Capital Management Economics/Investment Facilities Management Finance/Banking Land/Town Planning Accounting/Auditing Construction Engineering International/Multinational Infrastructure Management Government Relations/ Public Service Governance/Integrity Project Management Procurement Negotiation Property Investment & Management Diplomacy/International Relations Regulatory Entrepreneur IT Strategy & Governance/ICT Logistics, Property & Real Estate Marketing/ Sales/ Retail/ Commercial Legal Operational Excellence / Process Improvement Plantation/Agriculture Reorganisation, Mergers & Acquisition Customer Service/Hotel Sustainability Skills- Social & Environmental 5 Female 6 Male BOARD GENDER DIVERSITY