150 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS BERHAD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT PRINCIPLE A: BOARD LEADERSHIP AND EFFECTIVENESS Board Responsibilities The Board is entrusted with the tasks of promoting the success of Malaysia Airports by steering and monitoring its affairs in a responsible and effective manner. Each member of the Board has a duty to act in good faith as well as in the best interest of the Group. In discharging its duties and responsibilities, the Board is cognisant of the roles it plays in charting the strategic direction of the Group and the Board is ultimately accountable to shareholders for the performance of the Group. Board Charter The Board Charter provides guidance to the Board on the performance of its roles and responsibilities. Incorporated in the Board Charter are the roles and responsibilities of the Board, balance and composition of the Board, the Board’s authorities, schedule of matters reserved for the Board, establishment of Board Committees, processes, and procedures for convening Board meetings, the Board’s assessment and review of its performance, compliance with agreed standards, Board’s access to information and advice, and requirement for declaration of interest. To ensure that it remains relevant, the Board Charter is reviewed every three (3) years, or as and when necessary, to ensure Malaysia Airports remains among the forefront of best practices in corporate governance. The Board Charter is available on the Company’s website at www.malaysiaairports.com.my. Board’s Attendance Throughout 2021, all members of the Board attended more than 50% of their meetings held during the year and they complied with Paragraph 15.05 (3)(c) of the Listing Requirements and provision of the Constitution of the Company. The calculation of percentage of attendance is based on each Director’s date of appointment. Board and Board Committee meetings for the ensuing financial year are scheduled in advance before the end of the present financial year to enable the Directors to plan accordingly and fit the year’s meetings into their calendar. Special Board meetings may be convened to consider urgent proposals or matters that require urgent decision or deliberation by the Board. Based on the Standard Operating Procedure for COVID-19 set under the Movement Control Order (MCO) issued by the government and guidelines by regulators, the Company’s Board meetings were held virtually during the MCO to allow Directors to participate in a safe and responsible manner. Senior Management were invited to attend selected Board meetings to support Board deliberations during the meetings.