108 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS BERHAD GROUP FIVE-YEAR SUMMARY CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER In RM Million 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Revenue 1,673.0 1,866.3 5,213.1 4,851.7 4,651.3 (Loss)/Profit before tax and zakat (1,040.9) (1,763.9) 659.2 780.6 338.8 Taxation and zakat 274.5 647.7 (122.1) (53.3) (98.4) (Loss)/Profit for the year (766.4) (1,116.2) 537.0 727.3 240.4 (Loss)/Profit attributable to: Owners of the Company (766.4) (1,116.2) 537.0 727.3 239.8 Non-controlling interest - - - - 0.6 (Loss)/Profit for the year (766.4) (1,116.2) 537.0 727.3 240.4 Earnings per share attributable to equity holders of the Company (sen) Basic, for (loss)/profit for the year (49.66) (70.75) 28.90 40.37 10.98