100 MALAYSIA AIRPORTS HOLDINGS BERHAD NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS I am also pleased to share with stakeholders the salient information about Malaysia Airports’ progress in several key areas that had an impact on our ability to create value for stakeholders. Among these key areas are the material matters that have been identified by stakeholders as being critical for the long-term sustainability of Malaysia Airports’ business. They also form part of the environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations that are embedded into our business and value-creation process. For stakeholders seeking further information about ESG matters, I would like to highlight that Malaysia Airports produces an annual Sustainability Report that is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (Core Option). This year’s Sustainability Report is available online at our corporate website: www.malaysiaairports.com.my. Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder engagement is a cornerstone of Malaysia Airports’ business. The aviation industry is complex, highly regulated and requires the input of different stakeholders while leaving little room and tolerance for error. Therefore our ‘business as usual’ activities already require frequent and extensive engagement with stakeholders. Our proudest moments in 2021 were made possible with the close rapport and working relationships with stakeholders that we have built over the years. For example, KUL and LGK’s standing as ‘Best Airports’ in ACI’s Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey and the perfect scores of 5 out of a possible 5 are based on 33 service quality indicators in the passengers’ journey through the airport. Given that only about a third of the indicators are fully within Malaysia Airports’ control, while the majority of the indicators are either shared responsibilities with other stakeholders or wholly within the control of other stakeholders, the ‘Best Airport’ awards and perfect score are testament to the wholehearted and concerted effort of the entire airport community. We were also proud of our contributions to the launch of the Langkawi International Travel Bubble and Vaccinated Travel Lane by Air in November 2021. Our people at LGK and KUL were part of multi-stakeholder teams led by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture and the Ministry of Transport. Behind the scenes, Malaysia Airports was at the centre of pre-launch preparations as our people worked together with government agencies, airlines, ground handlers, tenants and other members of the airport community to refine the SOPs and processes and to ready the terminals for an increase of international passengers. Through the KUL COVID-19 Committee and the LGK airport community working groups which had already been running since the start of the pandemic, all stakeholders coordinated and synchronised their action plans and were kept abreast of developments. We also communicated extensively through the media, airlines partners and our own media channels to keep passengers posted on travel requirements as well as procedures and processes upon arrival at the airport. In 2021, Malaysia Airports was not only spurring bold action, but we were also making big strides forward together with other stakeholders