MAHB | Annual Report 2020

49 Annual Report 2020 >> Our Value Creation Strategy 2020 2019 e-Tender (Utilisation rate) 90% 70% e-RFQ (Utilisation rate) MAHB 100% MA Sepang 50% MAHB 100% MASB (HQ) 100% MA Sepang 20% e-Catalogue (Utilisation rate) 100% for 8 categories 1. Stationary Items & Office Supplies 2. Toner 3. Copier Paper 4. Fire Extinguisher 5. Printing COVID-19 related: 6. Sneeze Guard 7. Body Thermal Scanner 8. Consumable PPE 100% for 3 categories 1. Stationary Items & Office Supplies 2. Toner 3. Copier Paper Link to Material Matters : Capitals Affected : Manufactured Intellectual Social Financial Integrity and Anti-corruption Digitalisation Procurement Practices Relevant Award: Award recipient under the Anti Bribery Management System (ABMS) Certification Scheme by SIRIM Performance Indicators