MAHB | Annual Report 2020

27 Annual Report 2020 >> Our Value Creation Strategy At Malaysia Airports, our vision is to be a global airport group that champions connectivity and sustainability and we seek to create value for our key stakeholders in a positive and sustainable way. Our value creation model takes inputs from our capitals – financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and natural capitals – and transforms them through our business activities and interactions to produce outputs and outcomes that over time have the potential to create value for our business, our key stakeholders and the environment in which we operate. The operating environment, feedback from stakeholder engagements, risks and opportunities are taken into consideration in formulating our strategies and action plans towards achieving overall long term goals and objectives. In embedding sustainability in our business, Malaysia Airports is guided by its Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Framework. The Sustainability Framework comprises five pillars which encompass the Material Matters of our business. The Framework is also aligned with relevant provisions of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).