MAHB | Annual Report 2020

7 Annual Report 2020 Our approach in handling the pandemic was to be agile, decisive and methodical with the objective of finding synergistic solutions that would benefit the Group and all its stakeholders. This holds true at every level of the Group, from the Board to the Management, from frontliners to support staff in the back office. Although this financial year was the first loss-making year in the history of Malaysia Airports, we remain heartened by the progress we had made on several fronts. In this regard, Malaysia Airports, together with our stakeholders, are on the right track towards preparing for the resumption of air travel when travel restrictions are eased. That is why we have chosen ‘Emerging Stronger Together’ as the theme to encapsulate this unprecedented year. Readiness As an airport operator, readiness is a byword in the business. We constantly strive for the highest level of preparedness, meticulously planning for any eventuality. The Airport Emergency Plans for our airports contain detailed contingency plans including responses to health threats – taking the cue from other deadly viral outbreaks such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and the global H1N1 flu pandemic in 2009. We had also been on high alert for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2013, Ebola in 2014, and Zika in 2016. The Airport Emergency Plans are regularly tested in airport emergency exercises, which are safety exercises that involve simulations of emergency scenarios designed to assess the efficacy of the planned response, the readiness of our people and the inter-agency coordination to respond effectively in different emergency scenarios. Therefore, as early as January, we activated the Airport Emergency Plan so that operationally, we could coordinate the response to the growing spread of the COVID-19 virus. Consequently, the KUL COVID-19 Committee was formed in January with stakeholders such as the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA), the Ministry of Health, the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), the Malaysia Civil Defence Force (APM), Special Malaysia Assistance and Rescue Team (SMART), Fire and Rescue Department of Malaysia (Jabatan Bomba), The People’s Volunteer Corps (RELA), The Royal Malaysian Customs and Immigration Department. The Committee met weekly to formulate, implement, review and improve operational processes in line with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) prescribed by the National Security Council. This has been pivotal in maintaining a robust and dynamic response to the pandemic at the nation’s gateways – ensuring the safety of passengers and the airport community while maintaining service levels at the airports and protecting the nation against imported cases of COVID-19.