MAHB | Annual Report 2020

105 Annual Report 2020 >> Our Performance through KUL which required coordination among airlines, Immigration, Ministry of Health, NADMA, foreign diplomatic missions and other agencies. We ramped up engagement with the media and travelling public to address their uncertainties and disseminate the new SOPs, leveraging on mainstreammedia, social media channels and all available media assets (eg. flight information display screens, commercial screens, digital directories and printed materials) at the airports and workplace to reach the widest audience possible. Among the materials we produced for this purpose were digital and physical safety collaterals on airport safety measures and new SOPs, COVID-19 communications videos and internal messages on safety. Communications and Branding Disseminating information to stakeholders We communicated extensively with our employees and with external stakeholders to keep them updated on new SOPs and other developments through all our available channels. It was an eventful year from a communications and branding standpoint as we simultaneously managed external and internal communications on the pandemic, innovated to transform our regular business activities into virtual events, and continued to strengthen our brand. The five guiding principles in all communications activities for 2020 † Promoting Positive Perception † Strengthening our Brand † Intensifying Safety Communications † Enhancing Engagement among Stakeholders † Embracing Innovation and Digitalisation Internal Communications One of our primary focus areas was to keep our people informed on our COVID-19 response. Four virtual townhalls with the Group Chief Executive Officer were held with our employees. In addition, we ensured that regular internal communications were disseminated to all employees including messages from the Group Chief Executive Officer and the senior management team, formal and casual announcements, host culture communications, occupational health and safety updates. Media and social media coverage and public response We communicated extensively with the public through the media in 2020. We issued weekly news releases and were active on all our social media channels. Due to our proactive and extensive engagement efforts in a transparent and timely manner, the sentiment analysis of all media coverage and social media posts regarding Malaysia Airports achieved 52% positive sentiment, compared to 23% in 2019.